Key Reasons to use BOFC for Bulk CRUD Operations in comparison to Other Salesforce Apps


In Salesforce CRUD stands for Create, Update and Delete metadata operations, unlike the Salesforce standard process where admins need to copy and click each object again and again to perform a single task such as the creation of field/objects. With Salesforce BOFC Appexchange app user can perform CRUD operations by simply using its drag and drop feature. BOFC is native application, compatible on all browsers(IE, Mozilla, Chrome).

BOFC is a shorter route to perform mass object /field creation, deletion, updation, and cloning, reduces the manual effort of users, assign field-level security for multiple profiles & multiple fields in single Click. This comprehensive app works like a booster to enhance the performance of developers and admins by manipulating all areas of Metadata operations.

Let’s discuss some more key Features of BOFC which other apps doesn’t have

1) Bulk Field Operations: BOFC is a must-have an application in any admin or developers toolbox with its unique feature of performing “Bulk Field Operations”. This application performs the multiple tasks of field creation, deletion, updation, cloning, etc, which wouldn’t be possible in a single app. All these points are discussed in detail below:

  • Bulk Field Creation: In this user can bulk Create Multiple new Fields by simply importing CSV or XLS or XLSX file to Salesforce. BOFC application can create up to 500 fields, of different field types, in just 10-15 minutes in one single go. 

Bulk Field Creation

  • Bulk Field Updation: BOFC application fulfills the requirement of admins to mass update multiple fields attributes like length, label, Description or Help Text (or any other attribute) for all Custom Fields in a custom object with the clickable process.
  • Bulk Field Deletion: One of the best options to mass delete fields for a Custom or Standard Object is this BOFC app. It can delete multiple fields in a few clicks. 
  • Bulk Field Clone: Cloning multiple fields using standard Salesforce would be a tedious task for developers as copying each fields one-on-one, which involves huge time and efforts. With BOFC each field attributes or properties are cloned with the easy, simple, clickable process.

2) Export Process Builder: Being Salesforce Process Builder is a powerful tool you can use to automate business processes using a graphical representation of your process, but in some cases where there is a requirement to export or document all or any specific “Process Builders” in the system in XLS, it will become a tedious task for developers to open each process builders and copy its contents one by one using Salesforce Standard process. But with Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC) App user can easily “Export (Single or Multiple) Process Builders” within same Salesforce org in few clicks.

Export and Import Process Builders

3) Export and Update Field Permission using (Xls): Managing Field Permission action for single or multiple profiles will turn as tedious and time taking job for developers. With the help of Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC) app users can select single or multiple profiles and then with the click on “Click to Initiate Export (as Xls)” button. With Click on Download link, your file for field permissions is ready for download for multiple objects.

Export and Update Field Permission using (Xls)

4) Explore Relationship between Profiles, Users and Permission Sets: BOFC is the only tool in Salesforce for the admin and the organization, which tells or gives a brief overview of the relationship between Profiles, number of the user under one profile and the permission set or permission alot to the user under the same profiles.

Relationship between Profiles, Users and Permission Sets:

5) Side by Side Comparison of Profiles and Field Permission in (Xls): Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC) app will not only help admins or developers to Export or Update Field Permissions in BULK (using Xls) for Multiple Profiles and Multiple Objects in Salesforce. Also, prepare the combine report of Profiles and Field Permission in excel format so that user can easily understand and download it to.

Side by Side Comparison of Profiles and Field Permission in (Xls)

6) Bulk Lead Conversion: BOFC application can easily convert 500 lead records in few clicks and removes the manual process of converting prospect (lead) into Account, Contact, and Opportunity. User can also filter leads using Standard Report, XLS or CSV. or direct and can also choose Lead Owner for single or multiple leads.


7) Export and Import Assignment Rules: As in standard Salesforce user have to assign some assignment rules to the objects one by one, but here with using BOFC admins can directly import the Xls files using its drag and drop option and assign the assignment rules to the multiple objects in bulk at a time. In the same way, admins can export the details of assignment rules used in org by exporting the xls sheet from BOFC and hence, can check the details of all assignment rules used in Org.

Export amd Import assignment rules.png

8) Field Usage on Multiple layouts: In order to find which field is used on which layout, admin has to open each layout one by one and figure it out. With the BOFC app, user can get a matrix view (in xls) of fields which are used under multiple layouts. For Example (“Field 1” is being used on “Case (marketing) layout”, “Case (support) layout”, but not used on “Case (sales) layout”).

Field Usage on Multiple layouts



Have you started using BOFC yet? Thousands of BOFC users have been able to save time & boost productivity using our Salesforce Metadata app. Click here to install the latest version of BOFC application in your Salesforce instance & explore its complete benefits for you.

For any queries or suggestions, you can contact us at or mail us: Our BOFC Expert will help you get the best out of it.

Experience it for yourself

Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC) is a must-have tool, designed specifically for Administrators, that simplifies many of the tedious tasks of managing a complex Salesforce environment.

This tool is available on Appexchange and Click on below button to install the
latest version of BOFC

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Moses Kitimbo
5 years ago

This is the most comprehensive tool I have found so far for Salesforce Admins