BOFC Release Notes

Welcome to Release Notes page of BOFC (Bulk Object Field Creator) Salesforce Appexchange Application, designed specifically for Administrators or Developers, that simplifies many of the tedious tasks of managing a complex Salesforce environment. Perform METADATA Operations in Bulk with Point & Click features.

This document describes changes between previous releases of BOFC application as well as contains the direct updation link or a user guide to install application in their Production / Sandbox / Developer account.

Version 8.3466


  1. Add / Remove multiple fields from multiple ListViews
  2. Clone multiple ListViews (within same or from external org
  3. Export multiple ListViews
  4. Compare multiple ListViews
  5. Delete multiple ListViews

Version 8.3464


  1. Fixed the issue for api issue of "profileSearchLayouts" in Object
  2. Added the capability for the Super Admin to revoke key automatically

Version 8.3460


  1. Upgraded app to api version 56.0
  2. Fixed the Clone Permission Set Issue.
  3. Fixed the Clone Report issue in which reports which Conditional highlighting were giving some error while cloning.
  4. Enhanced “Field Analyzer”feature to a analyze upto 50M records (approx 1M ~ 2mins)

Version 8.3450


  1. Fixed Compare Profiles issues for Managed Components.

Version 8.3448


  1. Facing issue in Activating license or revoke or package upgrade, kindly upgrade your package using install links

Version 8.3442


  1. Added enhancements to the Profile / PermissionSet Export & compare features
  2. Upgraded app to API Version 55

Version 8.3436


  1. Delete Multiple unused Salesforce Reports in Single Click
  2. Added enhancements to the Profile / PermissionSet Export & compare features

Version 8.3434


Version 8.3432


  1. Fixed Ampersand issue in the Export Sheet for multiple features
  2. Fixed the Schedule action export issue in the process Builder

Version 8.3419


  1. Upgraded BOFC to new api version

Version 8.3416


  1. Enhanced Clone Flow features

Version 8.3412


  1. Upgraded Clone Report & Flow Features
  2. Add option to export Workflow time-dependent actions

Version 8.3409


  1. Upgrade the feature for assigning field permission to include Permission Sets along with Profile

Version 8.338


  1. Fixed the "Proxy Issue while adding new org or accessing metadata for external org in which my domain url is defined

Version 8.319


Version 8.314


  1. Upgraded the Clone Object feature to clone Global Picklist along with other features
  2. Upgraded the Clone Field feature to clone Global Picklist along with fields
  3. Revised the UI for Lead Conversion feature
  4. Import Global ValueSet from External Salesforce Org

Version 8.303


  1. Revised the XLS format for Export Workflow, Approval Process & Assignment Rules

Version 8.297


  1. Fixed the issue on the Process Builder for Scheduled Actions
  2. Fixed the issue for the Remote Site Settings on the BOFC Home Page

Version 8.292


- New feature Launched - Clone Validation Rules from External Source Orgs.

  1. Enhanced Clone Object Feature to "Clone Validation Rules" from same or external org
  2. Added the feature to Export the Profile, PermissionSet and Users relationship.
  3. Fixed the issue on the "Picklist / Global Picklist" feature for missing description

Version 8.285


  1. Export Active or Inactive pick list values for multiple fields of multiple objects
  2. Fixed the api issue for BOFC Workflow feature
  3. Enhanced the application to work on Api version 47.0

Version 8.283


  1. Revised Remote Site Settings configuration across the application
  2. Fixed the "Null pointer" exception issue when application is refreshed from Production to Sandbox

Version 8.282


  1. Enhanced the Bulk Clone Field feature to choose the Source Org for Source Object
  2. Enhanced the application to work on Api version 47.0.
  3. Fixed the issue reported by client on Validation Rule feature

Version 8.275


  1. Added the feature to Manage List View
  2. User can add multiple custom fields on multiple List Views
  3. User can remove multiple custom fields from multiple List Views

Version 8.272


  1. Compare Process Builders across multiple salesforce orgs
  2. Compare Validation Rules across multiple salesforce orgs
  3. Assign / Remove multiple record types across multiple profiles
  4. Enhanced the Clone Object feature to clone from external orgs
  5. Added the capability to FIND fields across Custom Reports

Version 8264


  1. Fixed the Apex heap size error for Export Objects, Layouts
  2. Fixed the api version issue on Compare Objects

Version 8.253


  1. Added the feature to Export Custom Settings and Custom Metadata Types
  2. Added the functionality to Export Outbound Messages in the Workflow
  3. Added the feature to check how reports are linked to multiple dashboards, and child dashboard components
  4. Revised the UI to Analyse the references of Custom Fields in Reports
  5. Fixed the default value issues In Text Area, URL and few other types
  6. Added the functionality to update the Compliance Categorization, Field Usage, and Data Sensitivity Level on the Field level

Version 8.235


  1. Fixed the issue for missing Objects and Blank Object List

Version 8.231


  1. Redesigned the Validation Rule functionality
  2. Improved the process to add any new instance or environment
  3. Ampersand "&" and "&" issue fixed on Field Creation Page

Version 8.228


  1. Added the feature to Delete Custom Fields using the XLS
  2. Fixed the Table width issue on Field Creation and Updation page

Version 8.227


  1. Fixed the issue for missing Objects and Blank Object List

Version 8.216


  1. Increased the limit to delete the fields in single go from 80 to 200
  2. Increased the limit to update fields in single go from 80 to 200
  3. Increased the limit to Clone fields in single go from 80 to 200
  4. Fixed Profile and Permission Set Name issue while updating Field Permissions

Version 8.209


  1. Revised the UI for Process Builder feature
  2. Added the filters to filter results by Object name and Process name
  3. Compare Profiles across multiple Salesforce Orgs
  4. In Bulk Field Creation,
    • User can choose option to Restrict Picklist or not
    • User can select profile permissions for "Edit All or Read All"
    • User can add multiple rows of multiple types in single click

Version 8.207


  1. Added feature to Export Compare Object Results

Version 8.205


  1. Revised Bulk Update Field Feature
  2. Added new filters on Lead Conversion page
  3. Added Links for new Blogs & Videos

Version 8.2


  1. Revised Bulk Update Field Feature
  2. Added new filters on Lead Conversion page
  3. Added Links for new Blogs & Videos

Version 7.999


  1. Revised Report field deletion feature
  2. Added Links for new Blogs & Videos
  3. Fixed issue in Field Usability feature

Version 7.995


  1. Revised Report field deletion feature
  2. Added feature to import leads using excel

Version 7.992


  1. BOFC Popup Functionality
  2. Revised Report field deletion feature

Version 7.989


  1. Revamp the Settings page to display a much cleaner view of Settings
  2. Lead Conversion: User can convert any number of Leads in few clicks using Bulk Lead Conversion (improved version)

Version 7.983


  1. User can view the Activation Key history in the BOFC Settings page

Version 7.982


  1. User can perform multiple actions on Field Permissions of Permission Sets:
    • Export Field Permissions
    • Compare Field Permissions
    • Update Field Permissions

Version 7.980


  1. Revised Layout for Clone Objects
  2. Added new option to select field permission for Clone Object
  3. Added new option on Lead Conversion page

Version 7.975


  1. New feature added to update multiple Picklist values on multiple record types in single click
  2. Fixed Clone Permission issues on Clone Fields and Clone Objects

Version 7.968


  1. Upgraded app to Salesforce API 42.0
  2. User can update "Field Usage and Data Sensitivity Level fields in Bulk Update Field Page
  3. Added "Time" type field in Bulk Field Creation and Bulk Field Update Page
  4. Objects of Field Service Lightning are accessible in new API version

Version 7.959


  1. Fixed Special Character issue in Validation rule Criteria
  2. Fixed field creation issue for two fields with same api name on Multiple objects
  3. Missing Description value in Profile and Permission Set export feature

Version 7.954


  1. Fixed Bulk Delete Field issue for Managed object fields
  2. Added Video links on the Documentation Page

Version 7.950


  1. Fixed Special Character issue on Bulk Profile Export

Version 7.947


  1. Fixed Name field restrictions on Lead Conversion Process

Version 7.946


  1. Worked on sorting the actions in the Process builder Summary and also display null and blank with proper Global Constant and Empty String
  2. Worked on updating the xls upload feature for Field updation
  3. Worked on fixing the filters on Delete Objects
  4. Worked on fixing the color coding on Export Profiles and Permission Sets"

Version 7.945


  1. Worked on sorting the actions in the Process builder Summary and also display null and blank with proper Global Constant and Empty String
  2. Worked on updating the xls upload feature for Field updation
  3. Worked on fixing the filters on Delete Objects
  4. Worked on fixing the color coding on Export Profiles and Permission Sets

Version 7.943


  1. Worked on delete custom field page to make it working for multiple objects
  2. Worked on Lead Conversion page to import leads data using XLS
  3. Worked on adding the blog links on reference doc page

Version 7.942


  1. Fixed Excel export issue for Object and Permission Set files in Ubuntu

Version 7.941


  1. Fixed Excel export issue for Object and Permission Set files in Ubuntu

Version 7.939


  1. Fixed issue for Lead Conversion and also added the option to Choose Existing Contact and Opportunity

Version 7.938


  1. Fixed issue for "Illegal Primitive Type on BOFC Compare objects.

Version 7.937


  1. Fixed issue for "Illegal Primitive Type on BOFC Compare objects

Version 7.936


  1. Fixed the null checks issues in exporting Process builders
  2. Exporting Validation and Workflow in Ubuntu
  3. User can now export FLOWS in BULK

Version 7.934


  1. Fixed the null checks issues in exporting Process builders

Version 7.932


  1. Added the functionality to Import Fields from org
  2. Reformated the Workflow export

Version 7.93


  1. Fixed the issue on BOFC Field Updation
  2. Make the header fixed on Field Creation and Field Updation

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