
Do it take any time for the newly created field to reflect in the object once the process to create fields is initiated?

No, it doesn't take any time. The process is instant and your field will be reflected at the same...

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Is there any limitation of using Bulk Create Fields using BOFC?

Not as such. User can create all type of fields like (Text, Currency, Formula, Master-Child, etc) except for "Rollup...

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How many custom fields can be created with BOFC in single go?

Using BOFC, User can create more than 500+ fields in few clicks. User can import the fields of an...

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Does BOFC has capability to assign newly created fields to the multiple Page Layouts of an Object?

Yes BOFC has a easy and quick way to assign newly created fields to multiple page-layouts of an object

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Can BOFC clone Formula & Relationship fields of an Object from any external salesforce org and create them in Current Org( in which BOFC is installed)?

Yes, BOFC can clone any type of field from the same or external non-linked salesforce org and can create...

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